To walk tall means to walk in pride and confidence. But is there a secret behind this stride, apart from your own hard work? The secret lies in none other than in posture-correcting pillows. These pillows do wonders when you are resting your body.
A good posture can change the way you feel giving you higher energy levels. Nowadays, work demands people to sit on desks in front of computers for a greater part of the day.
This bad posture continues in bed too as you rest for the few hours you clock in for sleep. All of these factors add to a bad posture that can result in aches and pains your body never discovered before.
Impact of Poor postures
The spine has a natural curvature that must be maintained at all times. This includes balancing of all pressure points to ensure the spine is at its natural position.
A good posture must keep your ears, shoulders and hips aligned. A poor posture, on the other hand, can cause reduced circulation, neck pain, and increased tension to the body causing emotional stress too. Poor posture comes in the form of
• Slouched shoulders that put excessive pressure to the mid and upper back
• Sitting with your hip sinking into the seat causing your knees to be higher than your hip bones. This adds immense pressure to your lower back
• Sleep positions that worsen existing or create new issues like chronic back pain, heartburns, sleep apnea, etc.
• Sleep positions that encourage imbalanced weight distribution causing excessive pressure on any one point of the body.
Improve your posture during the day
In order to improve your posture, start with your posture during the day. First, check your natural posture by pressing against a wall to know how your body must stand. People with poor posture will not have their shoulder blades touching the wall.
As you carry out this exercise, incorporate a back strengthening regime by additionally lengthening your neck till your head touches the back. Move your chin till it is parallel to the ground. Do this routine as many times as you need and you’ll soon benefit.
Seating positions can be corrected with backrest pillows attached to chairs. A lumbar roll cushion is a popular choice for its cylindrical shape that supports the mid-back when attached to the chair.
This avoids the body from going into slouching position when pressing the back against it. Diffuser cushions are another option that is commonly made of polyester or memory foam and are placed on the seat of the chair. Ideal for those who work sitting long hours, this cushion removes the comfort caused by pressure points.
Improve your posture at night
Your sleep position can ascertain your posture too. It’s important to invest in the quality body supporting mattresses to ensure you are rested at all times, no matter what your individual sleep position is.
Sleep experts and mattress manufacturers, Wakefit, recommend light fluffy pillows that provide adequate support. Use these to keep your neck and spine in a straight line regardless of your sleep position:
Back sleepers: Keep a small pillow under the back of your knees to reduce stress on the spine while a regular pillow must support the head
Stomach sleepers: Place a flat pillow under your stomach and pelvic area to better align the spine. Sleeping without a pillow on the head can help.
Side sleepers: A firm pillow between your legs can avoid misalignment caused by the upper leg.
Whichever you choose, choose the one that is durable, lightweight and works as a back pain pillow for chair.
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